ADP-100 Drum Mix Process System
Designed to proportion aggregates and additives according to prescribed mix design formulas, and to measure and control the liquid asphalt mass flow rate, so the blends are accurately interlocked to the measured aggregate flow. Available with text-based format OR with a Windows-Based Graphics enhanced User Interface. (Text-based backup for the ADP-100 is included with Graphics Package). Integral belt scale totalizers. Direct interface to all brands of asphalt pump skids and metering devices. Asphalt tank inventory and selection monitor. Feeders capable of being controlled and metered include: aggregates, dust, anti-strip, latex, crumb rubber, water, slurries & mineral filler. Multiple stored mix formulas. Multi-point calibration of scales and feeders. Full featured data recordation. Product reputation worldwide for demonstrated accuracy, long term reliability, and ease of use.